Fitswork - Bildverarbeitung für Astrofotografien

Fitswork is a windows image processing program, mainly designed for astronomic purposes.

Fitswork is a windows image processing program, mainly designed for astronomic purposes.
It contains batch processing, histogram functions, many filters, etc.
Fitswork works entirely in floating-point arithmetic.

An installation is not needed, just uncompress the zip file to a desired
folder and start the program by clicking on the exe file.

For the use of camera raw files, download and decompress the file to the fitswork folder.

If you encounter bugs, please send me an email in english or german with a brief description!

Many thanks to all people helping me so far!

Credits goes to Gustavo Daud for the PNG format implementation
AWare Systems for the TIFF support with LibTiffDelphi
and, of course, to Dave Coffin for the raw implementation (dcraw)!

If you want to make another language for Fitswork, here are some instructions in english and german.


Fitswork is freeware. Use the program at your own risk, i give no warranties!

See also: The new Fitswork Tutorial »Astro image processing« by Lars Karlsson.



Download: (1,28 MB)
Fitswork447en.7z  (1,01 MB)


DLL to use camera raws:  (216 KB)
dcrawfw1477.7z  (176 KB)


All files with the suffix 7z can be decompressed by the famous and free compression tool '7-Zip', obtainable here:
© 2005-2025 Fitswork | Stand: 2015-09-15 | Mozilla unbekannt / unbekannt | Programmierung: Hohmann-EDV
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